What a beautiful Day! Gracie was able to come home a week before her original due date!
We are so proud of her. She took to oral feedings so well and that is why we are home and safe. Now we just have a couple of months of seclusion at home and then hopefully she can start meeting everyone who has given her so many wonderful gifts, served her (and us), and prayed for her!
Truly, we could not have gotten through this long stay without you all and your support. Thank you for your kind words, texts, messages, gifts, dinners, babysitting, love. We are so blessed by you. Love you all!

Keri our wonderful Nurse (I've even texted her at home people! She's great!).

A few more of our awesome nurses who cared for Grace (Lindsey did her pic line, Melissa never forgot her bows... :) )

Jenny-a wonderful Nurse Practitioner who followed Grace for the two months.

TOO TINY! hahaaha