Wahoo! We are so excited because my little sister, Lindsey, received her mission call last Thursday. She has been on a cruise though, so we haven't been able to open it. This morning at 6:45, we watched her open the news and she is going to.....(DRUM ROLL PLEASE!)
RICHMOND, VIRGINIA! (And she's speaking Spanish!)
She is the cutest girl in the world and I am so excited for her. She will be an amazing missionary because she has the purest heart and she truly loves others. The only thing that is sad is we will miss her so much while she is away--she's so fun to be around! We love you Lindsey!
(Please note how most of the people in attendance are still donning pajamas and tired eyes--yes folks--we're having a hard time being morning people!)
What?! She is not old enough to go on a mission!...ok maybe she is. That will be such a cool place to go!
I'm so excited for Lindsey. I absolutely loved my mission! The Latino people are awesome! I'm sure she'll be such a great missionary!
That's so exciting! What an amazing experience she will have :)
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