Sorry it has been such a long time since I have posted anything. Life truly is out of control right now. I teach part time, go to school part time, LOVE baby Cache full time, and then serve in the young women presidency. Wes works full time, tends 1/3 time, and is serving in the young men presidency. Let's just say, we never see each other and we are so slammed with things to do that it is definitely time for THANKSGIVING BREAK! :)
Here are some darling pictures of Cache at Halloween. Please note that he has gone from a gangly 5.5 lbs to almost 15 lbs and his chunky rolls are so cute. He laughs, coos, and smiles like a fiend and we can't get enough of him. Cache hates being alone and he is very smart. Somehow he can always tell when we leave the room. The other day I had to lay him down for a second to get my shoes on, so I propted him up in front of the HGTV channel for a minute. I came back to him staring contently at the screen and (so it seemed) taking vigilent mental notes on how to dress up windows with curtains (see the picture!).
We went to my work's Halloween trick or treat with Cache and I got a bag-full of candy that Cache cannot yet gum through. Being a mom is so rad (in more ways than one!). My good friend Mandy dressed as a whoopy cusion and rocked my socks off with her cleverness. She is so cute. Anyway....take luck.
What a cute little pumpkin! It must be so much fun to be a mommy and enjoy all the little things! (And a lot of work too!) You guys sound like you've got your plate full. I didn't know you were going to school too. Are you getting your master's?
Cache is absolutely adorable!! I could look at him all day:) And you look AMAZING! I miss you guys:( I saw your fam a couple weeks ago but I really need to see you!! Love you
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