Wednesday, August 19, 2009

More Pictures of Baby Cache

This little guy is sooo stinking cute. Here are some pics that we have been randomly snapping of him. He seems to be growing before our eyes (even though it's been about 2 weeks) and it makes me cry every time I think about it. Seriously. I cry. No lie. I love this little baby so much. And, as you can see from the pics, he is everyone's favorite toy now. :) And, hopefully you can see that he is a pretty chill baby. He is usually just happy to be here and I love that about his little personality!

His daddy is the best dad in the whole world. Wes has been such a hands-on dad--from changing poopy diapers to helping me feed him, I have been truly impressed with Wes. He doesn't get nervous about changing him or holding him... he is just a wonderful dad. He and Cache were dancing tonight to get Cache to wake up and eat. I couldn't tell if Cache was afraid or if he liked it, but he woke up. :) Did I mention that I LOVE MY BOYS?!


Jessie said...

Awww... so sweet! I'll bet this guy just cements you and Wes and your little family together. Can't wait till I've got a baby of my own--someday.

Angel said...

Wow! he is SO stinking cute!!! So tiny too!

Matt & Katie said...

He is so tiny and so handsome! Those look like some happy Grandparents!
Hope your getting some sleep and I am glad you are enjoying every second - it goes WAY to fast! It makes me cry too!

Richard and Carlie said...

Oh my goodness, congratulations! He is so so cute and perfect! I'm glad you are both doing well!

Jennifer said...

What an adorable little family you have. Aren't boys the best? After having Adam I thought "I could be so happy having all boys"

Deanna said...

LOVE your darling pictures!

collinanddani said...

He is teeny tiny! I can't wait until we come home so we can all play! Don't you just love watching your husband become a dad? It's my favorite.

Jackie said...

So stinkin cute, I can't wait to meet this little guy!

Kellie said...

He is so adorable, There is something to say about being the only girls in the fam. Boys are the best :)