Hello Everyone,
This baby thing is soooo much fun, but I am getting kind of tired. :) So I try to go up to bed after I feed the baby (around 9 or 10) and Wes holds him until he comes up to bed. Well...last night I was kind of comatose, but I vaguely remember Wes coming upstairs and saying that the baby had peed on him and then pooped on the carpet while he was trying to get something to clean up the first mess.
So this morning I came downstairs and there was a neat little square on the family room carpet. Please note that the square is made out of (1) desitin (spell?) for sore bums, (2) Two tiny diapers, and (3) the wipes box. I asked Wes what the square was for and he said that he was marking the place where the baby had pooped so we didn't step in it. I about died laughing.
Even though Wes had scrubbed the carpet and gotten everything out, he likes to keep clean, so he wanted to clearly mark the area so no one stepped on it. I don't know how long the square will have to stay there--but all I can say is, I hope Wes puts a blanket down next time he changes Cache. :)
I don't know how something this cute could make such a big mess!
OH yeah...here is our first family picture where I am not dead from labor. :) Love you all!
You're looking great, Nikki! Way to go, Wes, cleaning up well after your son. The first few weeks are the hardest. Babies only get cuter, more fun and a little easier as time passes. He sure is cute!
That was such a funny story. I was changing Emery this morning in our hotel and I got the diaper on her just in time or else I would have had to make a square!
Thanks, Nik! I laughed so hard! :) Something to keep in mind when we've got our own cowboys here (someday). Wes is funny. Glad you two have got a sense of humor.
That is a great lookin' fam! Love the story of the poop! Its amazing how something so little can poo so much! sounds like you guys are having a great time
I laughed so hard when I read that! That is hilarious! I can only guess what Richard will do when our baby poops on our white carpet... You look great and he is just darling!!
How cute, thats funny! You look great Nikki!
THAT is hilarious!!! Oh, my heck. I can't quit laughing. New daddies....
If you ever come to our house, be forewarned, that Tanner and Taylor both pooped numerous times on the cushions as newborns...we DID manage to wash them after every incidence, but yeah.
WV: RECON "Nice work" from Toy Story... :)
Let Wes know that everyone's carpet has some sort of poop on it...he's probably stepped on a lot of it and never knew! Babies, young folk and old folk alike...we all poop...sad but true! You look fabulous! XOXO!
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