Thursday, March 24, 2011

Migraines... The Bane of My Existence

Here's the scoop. I am a victim of my own body. Haha. Sorry to be dramatic, but sometimes it feels like that. I suffer from severe migraines and I am not exactly sure how to get them under control. Some days/weeks/months/years are great and some are horrific. And I mean horrific. I vomit, lose my vision, have extreme pain, sensitivity to light and sound, numbing in one side or the other of my body, etc.

I know some of my triggers: stress, no food, no water, no sleep. I can control these things and I usually do quite well with balancing them. I also know that hormones reek havoc on my brain and that is something I cannot control.

So I am posing this question: What should I do? Anyone have advice? So far I've heard yoga from my mom and that is about it. Bring on the wisdom! I am looking for anything that I can do to get rid of these things once and for all (or at least cut them back) because they rule my life and take me away from important things (LIKE CACHE!). :)


Alyssa and Ryan said...

Hey Nikki! This is Alyssa (Ryan's wife). I also get migraines (yours sound worse than mine), but I have found a couple things that help. I have started yoga and it definitely helps. The week I missed my yoga classes I had 2 migraines. Then I have a couple tips for helping them go away. Put an ice pack at the base of your skull/top of your neck and lay in a dark room for about 20 minutes (only works if you catch it at the beginning). There are also a couple of pressure points that can help as well (Base of the skull, space between pointer finger and thumb, and the roof of your mouth). Good luck! Migraines are the worst.

Brady and Lindsay Wood said...

That is awful. I am so sorry Nikki. Have you been to the Doc about them? I know that when I was commuting to SLC for school I got them and they were associated with driving in the bright sun and stress. They gave me some drugs and I only had them for about a year and now I dont get them any more. Good luck getting it figured out sweet girl.

Jessie said...

I'm so sorry, Nik! I had no idea.

The Mills said...

That sucks.. Trev gets them that bad to's horrible!

Jackie said...

Oh love, I am so sorry.. I had no idea! My Mom has them really bad and she misses out on a lot too. My advice would be to see a specialist, especially because your symptoms are so horrible! I think they could help you the most and maybe give you a preventative medication to take when you feel one coming on. I know medication is not always the answer, but sometimes these dang genetics take over and there's nothing you can really do. I've also heard exercise and yoga work great, so you might want to try those first. Lots of love, good luck!

Jessie said...

So you wore off on me. I had to copy you! Just read my blog and you will understnad. Thanks, Nik!

Jennifer said...

I hear ya lady! I get them SO bad, and have all the same symptoms. I have had CT scans, MRI's, and every other test you can possibly think of because it doesn't seem normal to have that much pain from a migraine. Unfortunately though, they can never find anything abnormal, so I just have to deal with it. Nothing really seems to help except for maybe lortab or an 800mg Ibuprofen (if I catch it early enough)It's nice if you have time to sit in a dark room with an ice pack on your head, but honestly, with 2 kids... that usually doesn't happen, ha! I have heard that acupuncture is amazing and will pretty much cure you of ever having migraines again. In the past I've been a little hesitant to have someone stick pins all over my head, but hey! I think I'm to the point where I have no other options left. Let me know if you find something that works for you though, I'm open to trying anything as well, ha! Good luck girl! I know I'm not much help, sorry. I wish that I could tell you something that has cured me of these horrible migraines, but nothing has ever worked for me.... grrrrrr

iamthewalrus said...

Nikki, My migraines are caused by MSG in foods. Doritos, Campbells soup, Flavored chips of almost any kind. Just about anything that tastes good. I get the vision loss and numbness on one side. Just awful...there are websites out there that talk about it. I took Stove Top Stuffing with a package mixed gravy on it to work for lunch one day. I lost my vision 3 times in one day. MSG overload. As long as I avoid it I am ok. The sad part is that MSG is hidden in foods under different names. I hope this helps. Cindy Huxtable

Deanna said...

I'm so sorry!!! I hear the chiropractor does wonders...but you'd probably have to go regularly, and it helps over time. It helped with my headaches and sciatica during pregnancy, like nothing else would.

I also just read your previous post. ROFL!!! You are hilarious!!! That WAS a lot of texts. LOL! I love that you love where you are right now in life. You won't regret staying home with your little ones. I know I don't. Even though we're dirt poor and gonna have 12 kids in a 2 bdroom apartment. Just kidding on the 12 kids thing, but some days it feels that way. LOL!

Have a BLAST in NYC!!!

Jen said...

I'm so sorry. How horrible!

I know one of Brad's coworkers had awful migraines like that. She ended up have a tiny hole in her heart. They fixed it and now she's headache free. She was in her upper 20s and had been healthy all her life, except for the terrible migraines. She was really active and everything. The surgery was really fast. She had it on a Friday and was back at work Monday. She's been great since.

Also my sister used to have bad migraines. She took a medication for it, but for only about a year. She doesn't ever get them anymore and it's been several years.

I hope it's something that can be easily fixed. Good luck!