My little guy is big now. I classify one as big. I can't believe the miracles that have happened as far as getting Cache here and then watching him grow, progress, learn, and develop this last year. He truly is a healthy and amazing baby. Every time I see him I think of Heavenly Father and how much He loves us and wants us to be happy...the answers always seem to be in our children.
We had a little get-together for Cache's birthday. It was last minute and unorganized, but I have another year to get on the ball, right? The best part was Cache wanting to eat his candle more than his cupcake and his refusal to touch the wrapping paper and tissue paper (isn't that the best part?!). He is the light of my life and Wes and I feel like he has forever changed us for the better.
Happy Birthday Baby Cache! I love you.
Cool Things Cache Can Do Now:
Stand up for a few seconds on his own
Chew through a whole slice of Watermelon (YUM!)
Stand (and terrify his mother) in the bathtub
Blow bubbles in his drinks
Laugh out loud when Uncle Kade beat-boxes and makes him dance (Movie coming soon!)
Push trucks and cars around
Help mom with dishes
Give big hugs and kisses
Crawl faster than a crab on a hot day
Feed himself
"Read" books by turning the pages and slapping the people/things on the page
Go on tubes behind the boat
Stand up and turn around in the stroller (mom almost wet herself)
Drive the big truck and tractors with Daddy
Put his own arms in his shirts
Go on the fourwheelers
Carry a cheeto puff in his mouth from the kitchen to the family room. No hands!
Wonder what kind of madness Barney is while his mom tries to bounce him to the songs
Wake up three to four times each night. Still.
Type on the computer
Text people
Pull clothes out of the washer and drier (He's just trying to help I'm sure.)
(Un) load the dishwasher
Be quiet during prayers (most of the time)
Fill everyone who meets him with joy
happy happy birthday!!! can't wai to see some pictures!
What a stud! He is sooo handsome. I can't believe he's 1 already!
Happy Birthday Cache! Seriously One? Where does the time go? That's crazy! He is such a cute little man! I know Cache & Averi are going to be best buds one day!
He is so darling Nikki! Happy Birthday little man:)
Sooo totally wish I could meet that cute kid! That smile is irresistable!
Hey, just wondering, what mode do you shoot in on your camera? Just wondering if I should change it up sometimes.
He is so stinkin' cute!!! LOVE the fun pictures and "what he can do" list! LOL!v
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