Monday, October 25, 2010


I just have to say: I am so proud of myself because I actually did something around my house today. I folded clothes, vacuumed, and did dishes. My house is still a disaster and a warzone...but I must say I feel SEMI-productive (so no one rain on my parade). Oh the pathetic house-wife that I am.

Oh yeah...and Cache is dressed today. Just call me superwoman.


Jessie said...

whatever. I'm sure you do a better job than you let on. :) Being a mom means that playing is a part of the job!

Jennifer said...

You make me laugh so hard! I totally know what you mean though, most days if the boys are dressed before 11:00 it's a huge accomplishment, ha! Love you..... muah!

Deanna said...

That's been my whole week. I had to make 'chore charts' with 'get dressed' on them. I'm lucky to get dressed by 2. That's when everyone is supposed to have naps. Today I got dressed just before Ryan got home from work.

I love you! Dishes and laundry are big deals. Totally with you on that.